Find the Courage to Quit Your Job, Make More Money, Work Where You Want, and Change the World

Amy Porterfield

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Two Weeks Notice will take you from “stuck” to making strides in the direction of your dreams — even if you have no idea where to start or just how liberating where you’re headed really is. 

Is strolling into your boss’s office and handing in your notice your favorite daydream? 

This book will show you how to turn it into a reality.

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I couldn't be more excited for the world to have those exact steps, too! This book unlocks a clear path to starting a digital business, and also empowers you to push fear aside to step into your destiny.”

New York Times Best Selling Author + Award Winning Podcast Host

Mel Robbins

“My only regret is that this book wasn’t around when I started as an entrepreneur. Amy does a remarkable job breaking down the steps for creating a passion-filled life and business.

Then get this book now! In her signature step-by-step style, Amy delivers a practical and inspiring roadmap to becoming your own boss.”

#1 NYTimes Bestseller, Everything Is Figureoutable

Marie Forleo

“Ready to ditch your 9-5 and follow your dreams?

Not only will you find the courage to give your two week notice, but this book will guide you step by step through navigating entrepreneurship with a greater sense of peace, purpose and freedom."

Host of the Redefining Wealth Podcast

Patrice Washington

"Amy unveils the mindset, skill-set and grit required to quit your job and unboss with clarity.

Through honest accounts of her own experiences and an unmatched ability to help others design their futures, this book will be your roadmap to step into your true entrepreneurial calling. Inspiring, beautiful, and actionable. The adventure awaits!”

New York Times Best Selling Author of "How Are You, Really?" and Host of The Goal Digger Podcast

Jenna Kutcher

“If you're looking for a book that will change your life, this is it. "Two Weeks Notice" is for dreamers and doers looking to create a life and build a career that lights them up.

Entertaining and incredibly inspiring, it’s packed with actual practical advice that will set you up for major success.”

Canopy President + Drybar Founder

Alli Webb

“If you’ve been daydreaming of staring your own business and being your own boss, but have no idea where to start, this book is just the motivation you need.

With its insight grounded in research and Amy's real-life experiences, you’ll feel empowered to say “Yes!” to your own entrepreneurial journey and to create a life of impact, time, and financial freedom. This book will crack you open to the infinite possibilities of what life can be without a glass ceiling!”


Gabby Bernstein

“Two Weeks Notice is the solution for any woman craving more out of her life and career.

to help you step into your destiny!
Get ready, this just might be one of the most important rides of your life!"


Jamie Kern Lima

“If you know you were made for more, but don't know what that more is or how to get there, Amy takes you by the hand, and gives you the tools, the courage and the roadmap

I couldn't be more excited for the world to have those exact steps, too! This book unlocks a clear path to starting a digital business, and also empowers you to push fear aside to step into your destiny.”

Creator + Podcaster + CEO of Social Curator

Jasmine Star

“Amy was one of the first people to paint a brighter future different from my present reality, but she didn't just share her ideas... she gave me her exact steps.

You'll finally have the opportunity to pursue your dream and escape the rat race, and you finally have a clear and solid plan right in front of you."


Pat Flynn

“There's one word to describe this book: FINALLY!

because it’s so inspiring and practical. Amy’s the best teacher I know in this industry and this book is gold if true freedom is your desire!”


Kate Northrup

“This book made me want to start my business all over again

Whose dream do you devote most of your days to?

Quick question (that might not have a comfortable answer…)  

A third of our lives are spent working. 

If that truth makes your heart sink because you know you’re spending so much of your precious time helping your company’s “bottom line,” you’re not alone. 

Most people have been led to believe that entrepreneurship is only for a chosen few — the ones with connections, a nest egg, and original ideas you could never compete with. 

But most people are wrong...

You might not believe me, but all it really takes is a dream, an internet connection, and a proven step-by-step path to follow. 

Two Weeks Notice reveals the step-by-step process that tens of thousands of entrepreneurs have already followed to build businesses that give them serious creative, financial, AND time freedom. 

And that path? It’s right here.  

Now it’s your turn — ready to take the leap? 

Building your own business has never been more accessible.

Women are paid just 82 cents on the dollar of their male colleagues

The Traditional Workplace Isn’t “Working”

84% of millennials have experienced burnout at their current jobs

Men are promoted at 30 percent higher rates than women during their early career stages

73% of employees are considering leaving their jobs

Almost half of Americans fear being laid off in the next year

50% of employees consider themselves disengaged from their work


When It Comes to Passion, Purpose, and Personal Security… 

Two Weeks Notice Is a Step-by-Step Process for Building a Successful Online Business… 

In these pages, you will find all the resources and strategies necessary to step into your power as an entrepreneur (even if you have ZERO experience!), including:

… So You Can 86 Your 9-to-5 and Set Yourself Apart From Those Statistics

A 4-step plan for “unbossing” yourself (from choosing the date to giving your notice!) so you can start working towards your dreams instead of someone else’s

Tried-and-true business models and revenue generating strategies (+ how to pick the right ones for you!)

An Action-By-Action Runway Plan Checklist to help you leave behind what you don’t want so you can move forward toward what you do want

The 5 “boss traps” I wish I would’ve known about when I was getting started and how to sidestep them and stay steady on the road to your dream

How to build an engaged email list of people excited to exchange money for the transformations you offer

How to use your 10% edge to build your budding online business with a proven, foolproof marketing plan

A “sweet spot test” to help you develop the idea for your business and an understanding of what sets that idea (and ultimately you!) apart

The answers to all your content questions, including “how often should I share content?,” “what content should I be sharing,?” and “what should I give away for free and what should I charge for?”

Simple strategies for identifying exactly who you will help (down to their favorite TV show!) and how you will do it 

How to craft the offer that your dream audience has been waiting for, price it, and put it out there (+ plug and play Instagram templates to spread the word)

Straightforward instructions for creating a website that really converts, including your 4 must-have pages

A Little

From Our Readers


A Little
       From Our Readers


Click to hear what they have to say

Marlyn    Privette

   Sydney Bernhardt

   Veronika Druzhyna

Jenna    Greco

Do You Fit the Job Description

Your time is precious, and you want to spend it on projects that genuinely excite you

For Becoming Your Own Boss?

You’re over vague business advice and want a realistic action plan

You can’t remember the last time your boss thanked you for a job well done

You want an income that doesn’t rely on how many hours you spend at work

You don’t want to feel like you’re only as good as the last thing you did for your company

You want more to look forward to than a week of paid vacation

You’re tired of hearing “this is just the way we do it around here”

You could use someone with 14+ years of experience cheering you on

You would quit your job in a heartbeat if only you knew HOW

You want to design your life instead of leaving it up to someone else

Would you believe me if I told you that these were the words that changed my life? ⇒ June 19, 2009. 

My hands shook as I wrote them on a sticky note and posted it on my bathroom mirror. That was it. There was no turning back. In just six months, I'd quit my job.

I looked at that sticky note every morning and night. It was the reminder I needed that this was really happening. 

I'm Amy Porterfield

hey there!

The only problem?
I didn't know HOW.

I was leaving my role as corporate "yes girl" to become my own boss. 

To build my own business. To never have someone tell me what to do, when to do it, or how to do it. Ever again.

ALL my best, 

This is the book I wish I would've had all those years ago. Inside, you'll find a proven process to start the side hustle that replaces your 9-to-5. A process that has already been used countless times to build real businesses.



Yours  FREE  When You Purchase Two Weeks Notice

Step Out of an Employee Mindset, Embrace Your Inner CEO, and Build Beliefs That Move You Closer to Where You Want to Go

Ask any successful business owner their secret and 9 times out of 10 it will have NOTHING to do with strategy or systems and everything to do with mindset. 

Ever catch yourself getting stuck in self-doubt mode? Questioning whether you can really do this side hustle thing? It happens to every entrepreneur, friend! The important thing is what you do with those thoughts and feelings. 

This 5-day mindset reset will help you reframe your thoughts and create an inner framework for how to stay focused and motivated even when challenges inevitably arise. 

From knowing what success looks like for you to preparing for potential setbacks, I'll help you create a success mindset inventory, define what success means to you, learn how to measure your progress, and develop the skills needed for long-term side hustle success! 

The 5-Day Mindset Reset

when you purchase Two Weeks Notice


Get the The 5-Day Mindset Reset for


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Melissa Nicholson

Amy Porterfield is all heart with a keen sense of online business savvy like none other. With Two Weeks Notice, she boldly embraces her mission to empower women by sharing the roadmap for leaving the corporate grind behind to create a life of their own design with an online business. Despite Amy's reputation for overdelivering, entrepreneurs who've taken Porterfield's hands-on programs will be blown away by just how much she gives readers in Two Weeks Notice. Not only will readers get an intimate look into the experiences that motivated Amy to break the online entrepreneur glass ceiling, but the actionable step-by-step guidance Amy has long been known for, served with a big dose of encouragement to step into one's power to create a business that can change the world for the better. When over half of U.S. women plan to quit their 9-to-5s in the next two years, those women need to run not walk to their favorite bookstore to nab Two Weeks Notice.

Amy Lamash

Amy Porterfield is officially my new favorite author! In case you haven't heard, this online marketing maven just came out with a brand new book and when I tell you it opened my eyes, I'm not kidding.
Being in my late 50’s and finding out I would be laid off from my 20 year corporate job was so scary, but deep down it’s what I really wanted. I am tired of working for someone else’s goals. I am tired of being stretched so thin that there is no “me” left at the end of the day to enjoy my life. Amy’s book gives you step-by-step instructions for starting the business that allows you to leave disempowering work in the dust and create a life of your own design! From choosing the right business model and revenue strategy to giving your notice with grace, it covers ALL the bases. Ready to break the glass ceiling and give yourself the promotion you've always deserved? Order your copy of Two Weeks Notice today I can't recommend this enough.

Stacey Garrepy

Almost finished reading through Amy's book and, after an epic crying meltdown with my sweet hubby over my current job, these encouraging words from AP leapt off the page when I read them tonight: "...when you get stuck in a mindset of defeat, your business suffers too. Sure, failure might be tough on your ego, but your ego isn't what moves your business forward. What moves your business forward is picking yourself back up and learning from your experiance." (p. 195) 

Laurie Brooks

🤯 Okay. SRSLY! I told myself I would only read one chapter before going back to content creation for my <right now> side hustle yesterday and I read all the way through Chapter 7!!!! THEN, I have to share with y'all that I woke up at 6am and proceeded to revise my About page, mission statement, AND list 31 blog ideas to flesh out with out even putting on my glasses! I was literally typing up in the notes on my phone with one finger and one eye open and the thoughts and inspiration were just flowing out of me!💡💡💡 This book is SUCH A GIFT! 🎁  I cannot wait to see how others put this magic into practice! Thank you Amy Porterfield times infinity! So many quotes, but this one spoke volumes to me along with getting on my BLINDERS!


I cannot recommend this book enough for anyone wanting to give their two weeks notice! After listening to her podcast for years & taking several of her workshops & courses, I feel like it’s written as though she’s sitting across the table talking to me in person. This is such an inspiring read & I highly recommend ordering your copy today!

Dr. Ro

In the society we live, it is easy to second guess decisions, hold oneself back from excellence for fear of failure, and the list of trepidation goes on. From what I derived in reading an advance copy, this book is a must read for every person breathing. Amy Porterfield has unique and proven methods of helping people reach new heights in goals and success. If you’re stuck in any area of life, read this book today!

Sara Fernandes

Bravo! This book is the framework I needed when I first started thinking about starting my own business and when I discovered Amy Porterfield. I’ve been implementing Amy’s strategies but it makes so much sense to have them all in one place! This is definitely the playbook to continue implementing and growing my business.

Sara Mayer

Love love love this book! This is the book I needed when I was dreaming of my business! Even now, so many great actionable steps that will help me in my business! This book is not only theory but actionable steps!


Two Weeks Notice was a quick, easy, smooth read. Amy packs punch, promise, and procedure into 252 well-written pages, plus an appendix full of helpful scripts in a variety of forms. My favorite chapter was the last one: “Ready, Set, Boss” for some strategies that help you keep positively focused when doubt, fear, or failure come knocking at your door – because they will. Forward-motion! For a sneak peak, I’ve listed the titles of Amy’s 13 action-taking chapters for you. This will be a business book you’ll return to time and time again.

Leila Bulling Towne

I'll get to the point fast: this book would've made great company for me 2007 when I started my first business. If you're thinking about starting a business or starting to consult or just want to know what it would be like to do, this book will be an easy, fast, and fun read. And the practical marketing elements--THAT is what I wished I had had years ago. Amy Porterfield is the real deal. She knows marketing, and when you read her book, it's as transparent as she is in her podcast and workshops. Lots of mistakes, and lots to learn. She tells the truth. How to avoid mistakes she (and others) made: that's what people need to read. 

Carolyn C

If you have ever considered leaving a full or part time J-O-B to start your own digitally based business, this book is for you. Online course creator master and podcaster, Amy Porterfield, has finally put her knowledge, talent and story-telling to paper. I've been following Porterfield for years and was really pleased to have a chance to read a copy of this book before it is released. The book is an easy read. It feels like Porterfield is sitting right in your living room talking to you. And she's giving you the straight goods including her own flops, failures, trials, tribulations and recipe for success. Don't be fooled into thinking it isn't also packed full of wisdom, lists, resources and step by step guidance. Porterfield has a habit of delivering exceptional value to her audience, students and social followers. This book is no different. I only wish I'd had this book in my hands, and Porterfield's recipe for success, when I started my entrepreneurial journey 17 years ago.


As a teacher turned side hustler, this book is your FIRST step of many if and when you decide to transition into entrepreneurship. And if you have doubts about the journey, the first two thirds of the book are for you. The last third is actionable steps to make it happen. Since I’ve been on my journey well before reading this book, the last third spoke to me most. I learned about the income generating strategy I would like to try that I haven’t yet: a live workshop, as well as how to use social media to promote my lead magnet (which I haven’t promoted or maybe even want to scratch). Finally, I’m going to give her post-it note strategy a try when building something new. If it works for her, why not me?


Online marketing expert Amy Porterfield knows just how scary it is to leave a 9-5 corporate job to step out on your own. Now the owner of a successful business and host of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast, Porterfield gives you a detailed blueprint to show you just what it takes to build your own business. I've listened to Porterfield's podcast for years, and have found that she gives great marketing advice applicable to all kinds of online businesses. However, Two Weeks Notice has a very focused target audience: corporate girls ready to leave their 9-5 jobs. If that's you, you'll find great advice on how to start your own online company - how and when to transition, how to find your niche and target audience, and how to earn money (with an emphasis on creating courses). Else, I'd pass on this one in favor of a book that will speak more to your situation.

Deborah Smith

Amy Porterfield has crafted a truly magnificent pathway for people to leave behind old, constraining and oppressive ways of thinking about work, and embark upon a personal journey to create abundance and joy in their lives by becoming their own boss and the CEO of their dream life and business. She is so clear and easy to follow. The lessons outlined in this book will help you to envision a way that you can start small and take manageable baby steps towards your dream business, and then slowly begin to grow that until one day, you'll be telling the story of how you became wildly successful and happier than ever. Read this book if you want to grab the reigns on your life and take action towards running your dream business, even if that's just a fun side-hustle! Amy helps you do it, one chapter at a time.

Sharon Redding

If you're looking for a powerhouse female entrepreneur who is real and vulnerable while being decisive and savvy, Amy Porterfield is your girl. I've experienced her Digital Course Academy and now as a member of her Momentum membership, I can tell you she is a wealth of actionable information. This book reiterated some of what I've already learned from her and offers even more insights into creating the career life you love. I'm so inspired by Amy and excited for this new journey of bringing my gifts in a way that serves my ICA and generates an amazing income! So, how about you? I highly recommend "Two Weeks Notice" if you want a helping hand to guide you out of the 9-5 and onto a life/career you never thought possible as your own boss. It's time to make that leap.


If you are an entrepreneur, looking to become an entrepreneur, or want to create a side hustle, then look no further to get started! As someone who has been building an online business for the last three years, my only regret is that I didn't find Amy Porterfield sooner! Her podcast gives so much FREE value, and this book far exceeded my expectations. As someone who has invested thousands of dollars in online business courses, I did not think a book would give me so much insight. Her book gives more value than courses I've spent hundreds of dollars on. Amy has been one of the biggest reasons I have made so much aligned action in my business. Before, it was like throwing spaghetti at the wall, and now, after finding Amy, I have so much direct action to take that leaves results. Buy the book; you won't regret it!

Esther Maruani

I found Amy this year and have been drawn to her work ever since. Her podcast is so full of golden information and it is the highlight of my day... So I was so pleased when she announced the release of this book. I had the wonderful opportunity to get an early copy and was so pleased. Amy lays out the steps you need to leave your job and pursue your dreams. The content is easily digestible and easy to follow. Amy really cares about helping others not happy in their 9 to 5 jobs and wants to help those start their own business and be successful. The roadmap and steps she has laid out in this book is amazing. Amy, you should be proud of yourself and your team. You have done amazing things and I can't wait to be successful and be part of a Mastermind with you. You have helped me grow so much and forever grateful and appreciate it.


Two Weeks Notice is now available on Audible, narrated by yours truly.

Full disclosure, I was scared before quitting. I was scared while quitting. And I was scared (for months!) after quitting, too. So that fear you may be feeling? It’s normal.

But that doesn’t mean it’s based in reality — deep inside, so many of us believe we aren’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough… the list of “not-enoughness” could go on and on.

“Am I really ready for this?”


Take a deep breath…

The only way to overcome these beliefs so you can live a full, vibrant life on your own terms?
Prove yourself wrong. 

Because let’s be honest, courage comes before confidence. And if you wait until you feel totally ready to take this leap, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Instead, try calling your future self to mind. The sovereign, scared yet a stop-at-nothing woman who’s making things happen and building a wildly successful business. What would she do right here and now?

On the surface, this is a book about building a successful online business… 

… But here’s what it’s *really* about: 

Defining what success looks like for YOU ⇐ and then making it a reality. 

Building a better future where you demand the respect and recognition you deserve for yourself and those who will follow in your footsteps.

Taking control of your income and never wondering “how many more days until payday?” again.

Putting courage before confidence and taking steps — no matter how big or small — towards creative, financial, and lifestyle freedom

Calling it quits on a system designed to hold women down and creating something that lifts YOU up

She has put together the most practical guide to building an online business that helped me personally in a major way. This book is everything I wish I’d had when I traded in the ‘employee’ title for entrepreneur.” 

CEO, Author, Speaker

Anthony O’Neal

"Amy Porterfield is the TRUTH!

From setting non negotiables, to “you’re not for everyone boo”, to unbossing, the book made me feel seen and equipped me with tools to improve my craft. Even as an experienced course creator the book was extremely helpful. Two Weeks Notice gave actionable tools that I immediately journaled and put into practice. It was like Amy was talking just to me.”

Founder of Trade and Travel

Teri Ijeoma

“Amy’s book is exceptional! I found myself underlying passages, vigorously shaking my head in agreement, and intensely taking notes. It felt like therapy for me as a creator.

This book is a call to action for anyone who’s ever felt like they were made for more."

Top Business Leader and Peak Performance Expert

Ed Mylett

“A stunning example of what’s possible when you dare to dream big.

With her expertise and experience, combined with her deep commitment to always put people first, anyone can find the courage to pursue the business and life they've always dreamed of!" - Julie Solomon, Best-Selling Author of "Get What You Want: How to Go From Unseen to Unstoppable, Business Coach and Host of The Influencer Podcast.

CEO of EmpowerYou, Inc + Founder of The Influencer Podcast, Pitch It Perfect, and The Influencer Academy

Julie Solomon

"No one knows how to help people build the business they were born to create like Amy!

She takes the guesswork out of what it takes to step out of the “cubicle” and into a thriving business you love. Consider this book your personal blueprint to making your dreams a reality.”

International Speaker, and Co-Founder of Super Connector Media

Jen Gottlieb

“Amy is a guiding light for any person asking themselves... "Am I on the right path?"

Not only does Amy have a relatability to her that had me nodding my head throughout the chapters, but she knows her stuff...and can back it up with proven strategies. This is the guide I wish I had when I was first starting!"

co-founder of Offline Ventures, BFF and Brit + Co

Brit Morin

"As a female entrepreneur and investor, it's refreshing to finally see a solid business book from the perspective of a woman business owner.

It’s a beautiful combination of high level strategy and concrete “this is how you do it” steps - all wrapped in inspirational real-world stories. If you want more freedom and meaning from your work, read this book and start using the ideas today!"

Co-Founder of

Stu McLaren

"In Two Weeks Notice, Amy has put together a blueprint for helping anyone go from idea, to business, to life you absolutely love.

Her kindness, her passion, her sophisticated badassness, her beauty inside and out, drew me in and I wanted to learn everything that she had to teach me. I am thrilled for everyone who has this book as they are now able to get a piece of the incredible queen that Amy Porterfield is! Her charming personality comes through on ever page, all the whole showing you how to achieve your dreams!”

Mally Roncal

“From the moment I laid eyes on Amy Porterfield, I was instantly drawn to her magic.